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- === Creating a Character ===
- Zangband is a roleplaying game, in which you, the player, control a
- character in the world of Zangband. Perhaps the most important thing
- you control is the birth of your character, in which you choose or
- allow to be chosen various attributes that will affect the future life
- of your character.
- Character creation, or birth, is controlled through a variety of
- choices as to constraints on the type of character you wish to play,
- followed by a series of random calculations to generate ("roll up") a
- random character matching the appropriate constraints.
- Once your character has been generated, you will be given the choice to
- generate a new character obeying the same constraints, and once you
- have generated more than one character, you can switch back and forth
- between the two most recent characters, until you are presented with a
- character that you feel comfortable with.
- You may start the entire process over at any time by pressing 'S' at
- any prompt (with the exception of the autoroller (see below [1]) prompt
- and the prompt for the number of random quests (see below [2])).
- ***** <BirthOptions>
- === Birth Options ===
- During character generation you may press '=' at any time to access
- the options screen. A more detailed description of the various options
- can be found in the section on the Options Page (see option.txt [3]).
- Here you may set yout 'Birth options' which are options set at birth
- and which cannot be changed again during the game. Note that you may
- change your birth option preferences in game but these will only have
- effect in your next character. Perhaps one of the most important
- features of the birth options is the ability to decide what type of
- town level you want. The various town options are discussed on the Town
- page (see town.txt#TownLevel [4]). Another important decision to make
- is whether you wish to use the Autoroller (see below [1]) or the point-
- based character generation system (see below [d]).
- ***** <CharAttributes>
- === Character Attributes ===
- Once you begin character generation you will be asked to choose
- your character's three primary attributes - its sex, race and
- class. If you have selected a spellcasting class, you will also be
- prompted for your choice of magic realm(s).
- Your character's sex has a minimal effect on game play - females start
- with slightly more gold, males are generally heavier and so can bash
- more effectively. Race, class and magic realms have a far more
- significant effect and are discussed at some length in the Race (see
- charattr.txt#TheRaces [5]), Class (see charattr.txt#TheClasses [6])
- and Magic Realms (see magic.txt#MagicRealms [7]) sections.
- --- Secondary Attributes ---
- Each character has a few secondary attributes, height, weight, social
- class, and background history, which are randomly determined, but which
- are affected by the sex and race of the character. In general, these
- attributes are only used to provide "flavor" to the character, to
- assist in the roll playing, but they do have a few minor effects on the
- game. For example, background history affects social class, which
- affects the amount of money the character will start with. And weight
- affects carrying capacity and bashing ability.
- ***** <RaceClassComb>
- === Race/Class Combinations ===
- Once a race has been chosen, you will need to pick a class. Some
- race/class combinations are not recommended and so certain classes are
- shown inside brackets. This may be because the combination is not
- conceptually sound or because the chosen race has stat penalties in
- areas where that class needs bonuses.
- However, any race/class combination can be chosen and experienced
- players may often choose unusual combinations for the challenge that
- they represent. It is recommended that inexperienced players choose
- warriors as spellcasting requires a player more familiar with dungeon
- survival techniques.
- The following table shows which classes are recommended for the various
- races.
- Warrior Mage Priest Rogue Ranger Paladin Warrior Chaos
- -Mage Warrior
- Human Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Half-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
- Hobbit Yes Yes No Yes No No No No
- Gnome Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
- Dwarf Yes No Yes No No No No No
- Half-Orc Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes
- Half-Troll Yes No Yes No No No No No
- Amberite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- High-Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
- Barbarian Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes
- Half-Ogre Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
- Half-Giant Yes No No No Yes No No No
- Half-Titan Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No
- Cyclops Yes No Yes No No No No No
- Yeek Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
- Klackon Yes No No No Yes No No No
- Kobold Yes No No Yes No No No No
- Nibelung Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
- Dark Elf Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
- Draconian Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No
- Mind Flayer No Yes Yes No No No Yes No
- Imp Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes
- Golem Yes No No No No No No No
- Skeleton Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No
- Zombie Yes No No No No No No No
- Vampire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
- Spectre No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No
- Sprite No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
- Beastman Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
- Mind- High
- Monk crafter Mage
- Human Yes Yes Yes
- Half-Elf Yes Yes Yes
- Elf Yes Yes Yes
- Hobbit No No Yes
- Gnome No Yes Yes
- Dwarf No No No
- Half-Orc Yes No No
- Half-Troll No No No
- Amberite Yes Yes Yes
- High-Elf Yes Yes Yes
- Barbarian No No No
- Half-Ogre No No Yes
- Half-Giant No No No
- Half-Titan Yes Yes Yes
- Cyclops No No No
- Yeek No Yes Yes
- Klackon No No No
- Kobold No No No
- Nibelung No No Yes
- Dark Elf Yes Yes Yes
- Draconian Yes Yes Yes
- Mind Flayer Yes Yes Yes
- Imp Yes Yes Yes
- Golem No No No
- Skeleton Yes Yes Yes
- Zombie No No No
- Vampire Yes Yes Yes
- Spectre Yes Yes Yes
- Sprite No Yes Yes
- Beastman Yes Yes Yes
- ***** <ChoosingMagic>
- === Choosing Your Magic Realm(s) ===
- If you have selected a spellcasting class, you will next be prompted
- for your choice of magic realm(s). The magic system, as implemented in
- Zangband, consists of seven realms: Life, Arcane, Sorcery, Nature,
- Trump, Chaos and Death. In general, Life is primarily defensive but
- also offers spells to attack evil creatures, Arcane offers utility
- spells and some limited offensive capability, Sorcery offers utility
- and defensive spells, Nature offers both defensive and offensive
- spells, Trump specializes in teleportation and summoning spells and
- Chaos and Death are offensive. A more complete description of the magic
- realms and spellcasting in general can be found in the section on the
- Magic Realms (see magic.txt#MagicRealms [7]).
- Where possible, it is generally a good idea to pick one defensive realm
- and one offensive realm. If you pick the realms always in the same
- order (e.g. nature as your first realm and chaos as your second realm,
- not the other way around) you will be less confused when trying to
- pick the correct spellbook to use in the game.
- ***** <Restrictions>
- --- Class/Realm Restrictions ---
- In Zangband, spellcasting classes can select either one or two realms
- from those available. Some classes which can learn two realms may learn
- their first realm 'better' than their second.
- Note that certain realms may be prohibited for some classes. In the
- table below, '1st' indicates that the realm may only be the first
- choice, '2nd' indicates that the realm may only be the second choice
- and '1st/2nd' indicates that it can be either. Classes that only have
- '1st' options do not get a second realm. Classes with only one '1st'
- option must choose this option as their first realm.
- Class Life Arcane Sorcery Nature Trump Chaos Death
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mage 1st/2nd 1st/2nd 1st/2nd 1st/2nd 1st/2nd 1st/2nd 1st/2nd
- Priest 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st
- Rogue 1st 1st 1st 1st
- Ranger 2nd 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd
- Paladin 1st 1st
- Warrior-Mage 2nd 1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd
- Chaos Warrior 1st
- Monk 1st 1st 1st
- High Mage 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st
- ***** <RandomQuests>
- === RandomQuests ===
- Once you have chosen your race, class and (if applicable) your magic
- realm(s), you will be asked how many random quests you wish to be
- assigned. You may choose any number between 0 and 49. A more detailed
- discussion of random quests can be found in the Dungeon section (see
- dungeon.txt#RandomQuests [8]).
- ***** <AutoRoller>
- === The Auto-Roller ===
- The auto-roller is a quick means of generating start-up characters
- based on a set of user-selected criteria. If you choose to use the
- auto-roller, you will be presented with a column giving the maximum
- possible statistics (see charattr.txt#PrimaryStats [9]) for your choice
- of race, class and maximize mode (see option.txt#StartUp [3]). You will
- then be prompted to enter your desired statistics which should not
- exceed the maximum statistics displayed on the screen.
- Once you have entered your desired statistics, the computer will then
- randomly roll successive start-up characters and compare them to your
- specified criteria. Each stat is rolled as a number from 8 to 17, with
- a normal distribution, and is then immediately modified based upon the
- race and class which you have chosen. The exact quantum of this
- modification can be found in the Character Attributes section (see
- charattr.txt#StatBonusTable [a]).
- ***** <CharDisplay>
- Once a character that matches or exceeds your expectations has been
- rolled, the computer will display the character for you to look at and
- also display the character's life-rating (see below [b]). If you accept
- the rolled character (by pressing 'Esc'), you will be asked for its
- name (see below [c]). If not, you may press 'r' to resume rolling and
- searching for the next match or, if this is not your first match, 'p'
- to return to the previous character which met your criteria.
- Note: The statistics are not independent of each other and trying to
- maximize each one using the auto-roller will not work. A good idea is
- to specify statistics close to maximum that are critical for your class
- (for example, high wisdom for priests, intelligence for mages and
- strength and dexterity for warriors). You should set minimum acceptable
- levels for the remaining statistics rather than looking for high rolls.
- If you select not to use the auto-roller, the computer will roll one
- random character at a time and then display it for you to either accept
- or reject. The 'r', 'p' and 'Esc' keys will work as outlined above.
- ***** <PointBased>
- === Point-based Character Generation ===
- This alternative method of determining your starting statistics gives
- you 48 'points' which may be 'spent' on increasing your statistics
- according to your own preference. Using this system you are better
- able to customize your character but may not get such high individual
- statistics as are possible with th auto-roller. Note that as your stats
- get higher it takes more points to increase them further. Also note
- that should you choose not to spend all your points, you will be given
- 100 gold pieces for each unused point subject to an upper limit of 600
- gold pieces.
- ***** <LifeRating>
- === Life Ratings ===
- During the course of 'rolling' your character you will be told its life
- rating. This is an indication of how many hitpoints your character will
- have at character level 50 before taking into consideration any bonus
- from having a high constitution. The life rating will be displayed in
- the form of x/100 where 'x' is typically a number varying between 80
- and 120.
- Example 1, a human mage has a 10-sided hit dice yielding an average of
- 5.5 hitpoints per level for an average maximum hitpoints at level 50
- of 50*5.5=275. If this mage had a life-rating of 110/100, then at level
- 50, he would have 275*(110/100)=302 hitpoints (before considering any
- bonuses from constitution).
- Example 2, a human warrior has a 19-sided hit dice yielding an average
- of 10 hitpoints per level for an average maximum hitpoints at level 50
- of 50*10=500. If this warrior had a life-rating of 95/100, then at
- level 50, he would have 500*(95/100)=475 hitpoints (before considering
- any bonuses from constitution).
- Your life rating is only a guarantee of your character's base hitpoints
- at level 50. This might be achieved by small increases in the early
- stages and much larger increases in the later game or the other way
- around. Generally, however, the increases tend to be fairly even.
- ***** <CharName>
- === Naming Your Character ===
- Once you have accepted a character you will be asked to provide a name
- for the character. In general, the actual choice of a name is not
- important, but do keep in mind that it may have some effect on the game
- itself. For example, on some machines, the character name determines
- the filename that will be used to save the character to disk. On
- others, the character name specifies special "pref" files. And the
- character name is used on the high score list.
- ***** <StartInventory>
- === Starting Inventory ===
- Once you have named your character, you will be prompted to press 'Esc'
- and, having done so, you will be brought to the town screen from where
- you will begin your adventuring. You should note that each character
- starts in the town with a small number of items in their inventory.
- Which items you are given will depend upon your chosen race and class
- and the number of such items depends on chance. For example, all
- classes receive either food rations or scrolls of satisfy hunger but
- the number of rations or scrolls received is random. Typically, you
- will receive a weapon, a piece of armor, some food, some torches and
- a magical item although there is some variance from this.
- --
- Original : (??)
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: May 24, 2001
- ***** Begin Hyperlinks
- ***** [1] birth.txt#AutoRoller
- ***** [2] birth.txt#RandomQuests
- ***** [3] option.txt
- ***** [4] town.txt#TownLevel
- ***** [5] charattr.txt#TheRaces
- ***** [6] charattr.txt#TheClasses
- ***** [7] magic.txt#MagicRealms
- ***** [8] dungeon.txt#RandomQuests
- ***** [9] charattr.txt#PrimaryStats
- ***** [a] charattr.txt#StatBonusTable
- ***** [b] birth.txt#LifeRating
- ***** [c] birth.txt#CharName
- ***** [d] birth.txt#PointBased